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blog post

Video: Improving the Health of California’s Freshwater Ecosystems

By Lori Pottinger, Ashlyn Perri

California’s freshwater ecosystems are in poor health, and the current approach for managing them is not working. Jeff Mount, senior fellow at the PPIC Water Policy Center, describes a path for improving their condition to protect the benefits they bring.

blog post

Managing Tough Trade-offs in the Delta

By Ellen Hanak, Jeffrey Mount

New data illustrate the tough trade-offs California faces in managing water in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

blog post

Managing a Non-Native Delta Ecosystem

By Lori Pottinger

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta has more non-native species than native ones, and its estuary is the most invaded in the world. We talked to scientist Jim Cloern about this challenge.

blog post

Commentary: Klamath Basin Dam Removal Needs a Science-driven Oversight Plan

By Jeffrey Mount, Peter Moyle

The whole world is watching the Klamath Dam removal project. Jeffrey Mount and Peter Moyle argue that a robust science and monitoring program is essential to ensuring the project’s success—and will help guide future similar dam removals around the world.

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