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Career Pathways and Economic Mobility at California’s Community Colleges

By Sarah Bohn, Jacob Jackson, Shannon McConville

Career education credentials from California’s community colleges can help students advance in the labor market. But some programs offer larger economic returns than others, and it can take a long time for students to see increased earnings. Improving student outcomes—while also responding to future workforce needs—is a challenging but critical task facing the state.

blog post

Affirmative Action and Higher Education in California

By Radhika Mehlotra, Bonnie Brooks

A November ballot measure asks Californians whether or not to repeal the state’s ban on affirmative action in the public sector, including in public higher education.

blog post

California’s Workforce Is Diverse, but Many Occupations Are Not

By Tess Thorman, Jenny Duan, Sarah Bohn

Many occupations in California are predominantly filled by people from a particular demographic group. We examine the types of jobs with the greatest occupational segregation and what this means for economic advancement in our state.

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What’s in Store for California’s Economy?

By Sarah Bohn

California starts the year with low unemployment, rising wages, and falling inflation—but also with residents expressing pessimism about the state's economic outlook. We look at what's ahead for the California economy.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Pathways to College Completion in the San Joaquin Valley

By Hans Johnson, Olga Rodriguez, Cesar Alesi Perez, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

California’s San Joaquin Valley’s low four-year college-going and completion rates both drive and reflect the region’s challenging economic realities. The effective strategies some schools and districts use to help students succeed in their college-going pathways can be leveraged and scaled to generate dramatic improvements.

blog post

Who Is Unemployed in California?

By Sarah Bohn

While still historically low, unemployment in California has ticked up over the past year. Unemployment among men has increased more than for most other demographic groups and much more than for women.

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1 in 4 Child Care Workers in California Lives in Poverty

By Tess Thorman, Caroline Danielson, Sarah Bohn

While demand for preschools and child care is high in California, the state's child care workers—particularly women of color—are poorly paid and almost twice as likely to live in poverty than workers overall.

blog post

Supporting Older Workers in a Changing Labor Market

By Julien Lafortune, Sarah Bohn, Hans Johnson

Although older adults—those aged 55 to 84—are far less likely to work than younger adults, older Californians are working longer than in prior decades, as many put off retirement. What are the key workforce trends among older Californians? And what are the implications for the state's labor market—and for public policy?

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