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Labor Force Participation in California

By Julien Lafortune, Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan ...

California’s labor force participation is shrinking, mainly because of an aging population. But significant gaps across demographic groups are also a concern. How can California remove barriers to work, boost participation, and build a strong workforce for years to come?


California’s Care Workforce

State master plans on the aging population and on early care and education have underscored the need to expand the care workforce and better support the workers who provide essential services to young children, older residents, and people with disabilities. PPIC researchers will outline a new report on the current realities of the care workforce and talk with state policymakers about the challenges of meeting future demand.

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Multiple Challenges for Women in the COVID-19 Economy

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune

The pandemic and resulting economic downturn have had a disproportionate effect on women, many of whom must balance work, caregiving responsibilities, and health concerns.

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Shifting Gender Employment Patterns and California’s Care Sector

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Vicki Hsieh

Women in California are now employed at higher rates than prior to the pandemic, while employment among men has yet to recover. What do these trends – and employment patterns in the care sector—say about the shifting balance of work and caregiving as the pandemic recedes?

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Video: Mobilizing the Inland Empire for the Census—and for the Future

By Mary Severance

At an event co-hosted by PPIC and the University of California, Riverside’s Center for Social Innovation, an expert panel discusses the Inland Empire’s community outreach approach for the 2020 Census and how the region aims to build this capacity for the long term.


California’s Food Stamp Program: Participation and Cost Challenges for the State

By Caroline Danielson, Jacob Alex Klerman

California’s food stamp program, known as CalFresh, is a critical piece of the state’s safety net and serves 3.8 million Californians. More than half are children. Yet compared to other states, fewer eligible Californians actually participate, and the state’s administrative costs are higher. Examining historical data from all 50 states, the authors find that ending mandatory fingerprinting of adult CalFresh enrollees would likely increase participation and reduce costs.

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2020 Census: Counting the Sacramento Area

By Tess Thorman, Vicki Hsieh, Sarah Bohn

PPIC's interactive maps show how factors such as young children, minority groups, housing conditions, and internet access make getting an accurate count in the 2020 Census in California challenging. We focus here on the Sacramento area.

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School Closures Hamper Monitoring of Child Welfare

By Caroline Danielson, Paulette Cha

School closures due to COVID-19 mean that educators are not able to play their critical role in monitoring students’ health, safety, and overall well-being.

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