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blog post

A Long-term View of Higher Education Funding

By Kevin Cook

Public higher education is a major component of California's General Fund allocations, along with K–12 education, health and human services, and corrections. How has this spending changed over time?

blog post

Video: Californians and Their Government

By Mary Severance

PPIC’s latest statewide survey looks at the 2020 Democratic presidential primary in California as well as residents’ views on the general direction of the state, the performance of federal and state elected officials, and other timely issues.

blog post

Funding Measures and the June Ballot

By Patrick Murphy, Radhika Mehlotra, Jennifer Paluch

In the June primary, Californians voted on a variety of measures ranging from parcel taxes to bridge tolls to cannabis taxes—and most of them passed.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: California’s Higher Education Funding Landscape

By Kevin Cook, Jacob Jackson, Iwunze Ugo, Chansonette Buck

As California looks to establish a more stable post-pandemic funding model for postsecondary institutions, significant challenges lie ahead. Multiple factors could contribute to reduced state revenues and greater reliance on tuition especially for four-year colleges, making costs higher for students.


COVID-19 Emergency Funding and California’s Higher Education Systems

By Jacob Jackson, Kevin Cook, Darriya Starr

Federal dollars offered timely, substantial support to the state’s higher education systems during the worst of the pandemic. Funding for students, online instruction, and social distancing measures made up key spending allocations.

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