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The Impact of Proposition 47 on Crime and Recidivism

Passed by voters in November 2014, Proposition 47 is the subject of much debate. While supporters applaud the shift in resources from incarceration toward treatment programs, opponents express concern about the law’s effects on public safety. Did the reduced reliance on incarceration affect crime rates? Did the policy succeed in lowering recidivism?

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Putting the Governor’s Sentencing Proposal in Context

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

Governor Brown’s proposed ballot measure could significantly alter sentencing in California. It follows the path of decreased reliance on incarceration that the state has been on since 2009.

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How a New Way of Counting Prisoners Has Changed Redistricting

By Jennifer Paluch, Eric McGhee, Heather Harris

For the purposes of drawing state legislative and congressional districts, California now counts state prisoners as residents of their last known address, rather than as residents of prisons. Though the effects are small, communities with large numbers of residents who have been sent to prison now do not lose representation to the few communities in which the prisons are located.

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Uncertain Fate Awaits Prison Worker Vaccine Mandate

By Heather Harris, Joseph Hayes

As the battle over mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for prison workers unfolds, the well-being of prisoners, prison staff, and their communities hangs in the balance.

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