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blog post

An Epic Snowpack May Test Water Management in the San Joaquin Valley

By Jeffrey Mount

Nothing improves our understanding of water like a “stress test”—and it’s starting to look like the San Joaquin Valley will face one this spring, when California’s epic snowpack begins to melt. This week on our blog, Jeff Mount speculates about what may lie ahead for the valley.

blog post

Tackling Cold-water Droughts in a Changing Climate

By Jeffrey Mount, Michael Dettinger

Drought comes in many forms in California, but one common type of drought isn’t receiving enough attention: the cold-water drought. Our senior fellow Jeffrey Mount and researcher Mike Dettinger explain what a cold-water drought is—and why it matters so much.

blog post

Commentary: Water Markets Can Reduce the Costs of Drought

By Ellen Hanak

California’s warming climate is making droughts more intense, complicating water management. A new water futures market provides a tool to insure against price shocks arising from drought-fueled shortages.


Improving California’s Water Market

By Andrew Ayres, Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray, Gokce Sencan ...

Water trading and banking will prove important tools to help California bring its groundwater basins into balance under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). A broad range of policy changes could help improve and expand California’s water market while protecting communities from harm.


The Benefits of Headwater Forest Management

By Henry McCann, Van Butsic, Yufang Jin, Scott Stephens ...

California’s headwater forests have become more vulnerable to drought and wildfire—risks that are increasing with climate change. Increased forest management on a large scale can improve the region’s resilience to these risks, and bring widely shared benefits in air quality, water quality and supply, rural economies, and carbon sequestration. This report assesses the benefits and beneficiaries of improved forest management. This information is key to crafting the financial tools, policies, and other governance solutions needed for long-term stewardship of the state’s headwater forests.

Fact Sheet

Groundwater Recharge in California

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Gokce Sencan, Ellen Hanak

Groundwater recharge can replenish overdrafted basins, and help California adapt to greater climate extremes.


Managing Drought in a Changing Climate

Managing water—whether too much or too little—is at the forefront of climate change adaptation in California. Droughts bring major social, economic, and environmental impacts, and will continue to shape water management and policies into the future. New research from PPIC melds lessons learned from the recent drought with climate change simulations to review California’s capacity to adapt and prepare for greater extremes and growing water scarcity.

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