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Fact Sheet

California’s Water Market

By Ellen Hanak, Gokce Sencan, Andrew Ayres

Water marketing is an important tool for managing drought and water scarcity in California. Reforms could help strengthen the market.

blog post

An Epic Snowpack May Test Water Management in the San Joaquin Valley

By Jeffrey Mount

Nothing improves our understanding of water like a “stress test”—and it’s starting to look like the San Joaquin Valley will face one this spring, when California’s epic snowpack begins to melt. This week on our blog, Jeff Mount speculates about what may lie ahead for the valley.

blog post

Water for Wildlife Refuges: 30 Years of the CVPIA

By Sarah Bardeen

The Central Valley Project Improvement Act turns 30 this year. We asked three experts to explain what the CVPIA is—and why it’s so vitally important for migratory birds.

Fact Sheet

California’s Water Grid

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Ellen Hanak, Jeffrey Mount

The statewide network of storage and conveyance facilities provides multiple services, which are sometimes in conflict. Climate change brings new challenges.

blog post

Commentary: Newsom’s Water Strategy Needs to Go a Step Further

By Sarah Null, Jeffrey Mount

Dams are essential to managing California’s water supply, but their construction and operation has harmed freshwater ecosystems. We propose a novel approach to water management that treats the environment as a priority rather than a constraint on reservoir operations—and that may help to manage growing threats to the health of our rivers and estuaries.

blog post

A State of Water Independence

By Brian Gray

California’s authority to protect its water resources will be largely insulated from changes in federal environmental policy.

blog post

Creating Collaborative Recharge Partnerships in the San Joaquin Valley

By Sarah Bardeen

Bringing the San Joaquin Valley’s groundwater basins into balance by the early 2040s is going to be challenging, but two neighboring groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) in Madera County are collaborating to move the process forward. Learn about their successes—and how things could be improved.


Improving California’s Water Market

By Andrew Ayres, Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray, Gokce Sencan ...

Water trading and banking will prove important tools to help California bring its groundwater basins into balance under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). A broad range of policy changes could help improve and expand California’s water market while protecting communities from harm.

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