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blog post

What It Means to Store Water for the Environment

By Sarah Bardeen

In times of drought, California’s ecosystems often suffer. CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow Sarah Null is investigating how to better manage scarce water supplies so that the state can protect vulnerable ecosystems—even as the climate changes.


A Path Forward for California’s Freshwater Ecosystems

By Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray, Karrigan Bork, James Cloern ...

California’s freshwater ecosystems are under pressure and its aquatic biodiversity is in decline. The state needs a new approach to protect the many beneficial uses these ecosystems provide. This report describes a way to manage the state’s freshwater ecosystems—called “ecosystem-based management”—that can improve conditions for native biodiversity and human uses, and increase resilience to climate change.

blog post

Fighting Sea Level Rise the Natural Way

By Lori Pottinger

How will rising seas affect freshwater ecosystems, and what role do these systems play in managing the problem? We talked to scientist Letitia Grenier about this issue.

blog post

A Faster Track for Ecosystem Restoration

By Lori Pottinger

The state’s rivers and aquatic species are in trouble, but restoration projects are often slowed by complex permitting requirements. We talked to Erika Lovejoy of Sustainable Conservation about efforts to simplify the process.

blog post

Drought Watch: Essential Elements for a Water Bond

By Ellen Hanak, Caitrin Chappelle

This is part of a continuing series on the impact of the drought.

As the legislature considers the final size and shape of this new bond, it is worth reviewing how bond funds have been used in the past and the areas that most need bond support in the future.

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