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Understanding the Reach of the California Earned Income Tax Credit

By Tess Thorman

State-designed and -funded tax credits for low-income families are a small but growing part of California’s anti-poverty portfolio. As policymakers explore ways to refine, increase, and supplement the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), they could benefit from knowing more about where and when the CalEITC and similar credits are claimed.


Employment Patterns for CalFresh Adults

By Tess Thorman, Caroline Danielson

CalFresh provides food assistance to about 4.5 million low-income Californians. While many adults who access CalFresh are working, their jobs may be temporary or unstable. Understanding changes in employment before, during, and after adults enroll in CalFresh can help policymakers and administrators better align the program with workers’ needs.


Race and Diversity in the Golden State

By Hans Johnson, Eric McGhee, Carolyn Subramaniam, Vicki Hsieh

California is one of the most diverse states in the nation, but disparate outcomes persist across and within racial groups.

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Improving Regional Representation among Community College Transfers

By Cesar Alesi Perez, Vicki Hsieh, Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

Transferring to a four-year college is critical to improving economic mobility among underrepresented student groups—but the actual likelihood of transferring is quite low and varies widely across the state.


Learning from CalFresh Pandemic Boosts

By Tess Thorman, Patricia Malagon, Caroline Danielson

Emergency allotments increased CalFresh benefits during the pandemic, although the lowest-income households did not see an initial boost. Examining how this pandemic aid affected household resources, work decisions, and participant retention can offer insights into crafting a CalFresh response for the next economic downturn—and improving the program in the near term.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

As the California Legislature considers placing a school facilities bond on the November 2024 ballot, around half of likely voters say they would vote yes on such a measure. About eight in ten public school parents see catching up academically or addressing the pandemic’s social-emotional impact as the biggest K–12 challenge.

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