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blog post

Realignment: Progress and Challenges

By Magnus Lofstrom

Now that realignment is approaching the three-year mark, has the reform delivered? In some important ways, yes, it has. But a fundamental issue remains.

blog post

Video: The Impact of Realignment on Recidivism

By Linda Strean

Public safety realignment has had a modest effect on recidivism, varying across counties and groups of offenders. These are the findings of a new PPIC report presented in Sacramento.

blog post

Video: Alternatives to Incarceration

By Linda Strean

A panel of state and local corrections officials talk about alternatives to prison and jail that are cost-effective, hold offenders accountable, and don’t harm public safety.


Criminal Justice

Evaluating policy reforms, prison programs, policing, and crime.

blog post

Crime Trends in Context

By Magnus Lofstrom

At a town hall held by Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, PPIC’s Magnus Lofstrom discussed what research has found about the consequences of key criminal justice reforms and the pattern of long-term crime trends in California and Contra Costa County.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Jennifer Paluch, Dean Bonner, Sonja Petek

Some findings of the current survey:

  • Sixty-four percent of likely voters support Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposal to issue $43.3 billion in bonds to increase funding for education facilities, prisons, water storage, and other infrastructure projects.
  • Fifty-two percent of voters admit that they know very little (43%) or nothing (9%) about how bonds are paid for in California. Six percent say they know a lot.
  • The share of residents who describe the state budget as a big problem has fallen 29 points, from 73 percent to 44 percent, since May 2004.

This is the 77th PPIC Statewide Survey and the 23rd in PPIC's Californians and Their Government series, conducted periodically to examine the social, economic, and political trends that influence public policy preferences and ballot choices in the state. It is supported by funding from The James Irvine Foundation.

Fact Sheet

California’s County Jails

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin, Andrew Skelton

The statewide jail population is significantly lower than it was before the pandemic. The population is largely male and being held for felonies.


California’s Historic Corrections Reforms

About the Program
Overcrowding and poor conditions in California's prisons triggered sweeping changes to the state's correctional system. Has the prioritization of correctional resources toward more serious offenders eased overcrowding and contained costs? How are county jails coping, and have reoffending rates declined? Has crime increased, as critics predicted? PPIC researcher Magnus Lofstrom will outline findings from a new report, and a panel of state and local experts will discuss the effects of recent reforms on crime, costs, and incarceration.

Please register in advance. There is no charge to attend, but space is limited. Lunch will be provided.

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