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blog post

Better Data for Better California Health Policy

By Shannon McConville, Paulette Cha

As state leaders work to create a health care payments database for California, PPIC is providing research on how policymakers and others could use the database to inform key policy decisions.

blog post

How Has the Medi-Cal Program Changed over the Past Three Decades?

By Shannon McConville, Paulette Cha

As part of an ongoing series commemorating PPIC's 30th anniversary, research fellows Paulette Cha and Shannon McConville discuss how Medi-Cal—California's Medicaid program—has changed and expanded since the early 1990s. One-third of current Medi-Cal enrollees are adults who gained program eligibility under the federal Affordable Care Act.

blog post

Health Care and California’s Undocumented Immigrants

By Shannon McConville

Despite California’s embrace of federal health care reform, millions of Californians are expected to remain uninsured even five years from now. Undocumented immigrants are likely to be a large share of this uninsured group because they are excluded from coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

blog post

Single-Payer Health Care and the Governor’s Race

By Alyssa Dykman

The partisan divide over single-payer health care in California could play out in the race for governor, with leading Democratic candidates supporting and leading Republicans opposing.

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