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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: California’s Care Workforce

By Shannon McConville, Daniel Payares-Montoya, Sarah Bohn, Mary Severance

Demand for caregiving services is growing as California’s population ages and as the state invests in early childhood care and learning. There are many workforce challenges—including low pay and limited opportunities for advancement. Efforts in several key areas could improve prospects for care workers and help California meet its caregiving needs.

blog post

Who Lives in California’s Nursing Homes?

By Hans Johnson

Nursing home residents—the overwhelming majority of whom are seniors—are less than 1% of the state’s population, but account for more than one-third of California’s COVID-19 deaths.

blog post

Californians Are Worried about Wildfires

By Lynette Ubois, Mark Baldassare

An overwhelming majority of Californians say the threat of wildfires is a problem in their part of the state. Around one in three residents have a great deal of confidence in government readiness to respond to wildfires.


New Insights into California Arrests: Trends, Disparities, and County Differences

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin, Justin Goss, Joseph Hayes

Over the past few decades, arrests have declined dramatically—especially for misdemeanors. Though racial disparities have narrowed, the gap between African Americans and whites remains substantial. In 2016, the arrest rate for African Americans was three times the white arrest rate.

Fact Sheet

California’s Nutrition Safety Net

By Tess Thorman, Patricia Malagon

Millions of Californians participate in more than 15 programs designed to help them access nutritious food; these programs also reduce poverty. CalFresh, the largest nutrition program, provides low-income families with monthly food-buying resources. Other large programs serve pregnant Californians, young children, and K–12 students.

blog post

Video: A Conversation with Chief Justice of California Patricia Guerrero

By Mary Severance

Patricia Guerrero became California's 29th Chief Justice in January 2023, succeeding current PPIC president and CEO Tani Cantil-Sakauye as head of the state's judiciary. At an event in Sacramento, they discussed Chief Justice Guerrero's priorities and goals for the state's judicial branch.

blog post

Video: A Conversation with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

By Mary Severance

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and PPIC president Mark Baldassare had a wide-ranging conversation about the relationship between California and the federal government in a number of areas, including economic and tax policy, immigration, health care, and environmental issues.

blog post

Who Works from Home?

By Hans Johnson, Sarah Bohn, Eric McGhee

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic increase in remote work. We examine the demographics of remote work in California and how it varies by education, income, age, and race/ethnicity.

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