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California’s Labor Force: A Swift Recovery, but What’s Next?

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune

Total employment has recovered more quickly from the COVID-19 recession than from previous downturns. Still, current workforce pressures reflect ongoing challenges that California must address to foster long-term economic mobility and growth.


Labor Force Participation in California

California’s labor force participation is shrinking, mainly because of an aging population. But significant participation gaps across demographic groups also pose limitations. How can the state remove barriers to work and build a strong workforce for years to come? PPIC researchers Julien Lafortune, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, and Hans Johnson will discuss findings—and pathways forward—from a new report.


Improving Career Education Pathways into California’s Workforce

By Shannon McConville, Sarah Bohn, Bonnie Brooks, Mina Dadgar

COVID-19 hit workers with less education hardest, underscoring the need for public investments in workforce training. In this report, we describe student pathways through career education programs at community colleges and discuss insights from stakeholder interviews on how to help more people complete programs and connect to quality jobs.

blog post

How Is Remote Work Affecting Worker Preferences and the Economy?

By Dean Bonner, Sarah Bohn

More than one-third of employed Californians say they work from home either all the time or sometimes. But the ability to work remotely varies across industries, occupations, and regions, with significant implications for job-seeking patterns and economic opportunity.

blog post

Higher Education: The Economic Engine of California

By Mark Baldassare

An overwhelming majority of Californians say having a four-year college degree is important for economic and financial success. How do residents view education funding and other investments in helping students prepare for and complete college?

blog post

Testimony: Closing California’s Degree Gap

By Hans Johnson

The most promising approach to closing the workforce skills gap is to concentrate on improving the educational attainment of California residents.

blog post

Who’s Leaving California—and Who’s Moving In?

By Hans Johnson, Eric McGhee

The primary driver of California's population loss over the past few years has been residents moving to other states. We examine the latest demographic data for those moving out of and into our state and discuss factors that underlie these decisions.

blog post

Little Diversity, Wide Wage Gaps: California’s Ten Largest Occupations

By Tess Thorman, Jenny Duan, Sarah Bohn

The ten largest occupations in California account for 20% of full-time workers. We examine the key demographic divides across these occupations—including gender and race/ethnicity--and what they mean for California's labor market.

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