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Fact Sheet

College Access in California

By Iwunze Ugo

About three in five Californians enroll in college right after high school. But whether—and where—high school graduates attend college varies across regions and demographic groups.

blog post

More Money, More Challenges for K-12 Schools

By Paul Warren

The 2015-16 budget agreement between the legislative leadership and governor provides substantial additional funding for the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which allows the state to implement the formula more quickly.

California Counts, Report

The Linguistic Landscape of California Schools

By Sonya Tafoya

Explores the demographics of English learners (formerly known as limited-English-proficient or LEP students), who now account for nearly 25 percent of California's public school population. Examines trends over time and provides a current geographic portrait of the distribution of these students throughout the major regions of the state.


School Finance

By Margaret Weston

There is broad consensus that California's school finance system is inequitable, inadequate, and overly complex. In response to these critiques, this year Governor Jerry Brown proposed an overhaul of our school finance system. Also, two initiatives on the November ballot asked voters to increase education funding through tax increases: voters approved Proposition 30, which was integral to the governor's budget plan, and rejected Proposition 38, a citizens' initiative.

Despite the passage of Proposition 30, California faces many school finance challenges. This report provides an overview of the state's school finance system and outlines some longstanding school finance issues that may be in play next year.


Achievement in California’s Public Schools: What Do Test Scores Tell Us?

By Paul Warren, Julien Lafortune

California’s student test scores show significant progress in English—but they also show stalled gains in math and persistent income achievement gaps. State actions to improve math instruction and support struggling districts could help boost student performance.

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