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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: District Spending of One-Time Funds for Educational Recovery

By Julien Lafortune, Laura Hill, Niu Gao, Joseph Herrera ...

States received billions in one-time stimulus funds to help recover from pandemic disruptions to education. California allocated much of its money to districts based on their shares of low-income students, which largely targeted schools with lower achievement levels rather than greater learning loss.


Achieving Universal Broadband in California

By Joseph Hayes, Niu Gao, Darriya Starr, Amy Gong Liu

In 2021, California invested over $6 billion to expand broadband infrastructure, address affordability, and promote digital literacy. This report examines barriers to installing broadband in underserved communities and offers recommendations as the state aims to close the digital divide.

blog post

How Business and Government Might Solve the Freshwater Crisis—Together

By Sarah Bardeen

Does the public sector need the private sector’s help to address the freshwater crisis? That’s the thesis of Stanford law and environmental social sciences professor Barton “Buzz” Thompson’s provocative new book. We sat down with him to hear more.

Occasional Paper, Report

Funding Formulas for California Schools: Simulations and Supporting Data

By Jon Sonstelie, Ray Reinhard, Heather Rose, Ria Sengupta Bhatt

California’s school finance system is long overdue for fundamental reform. The authors of this paper simulate an alternative school finance system recently proposed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley (Bersin, Kirst, and Liu). They conclude that the proposed system provides a good starting point for the kind of reform effort the state needs to undertake. This paper briefly reviews student needs and district costs throughout California and then discusses the results and implications of the simulation models.

Further Analysis

Data Reconciliation

Request the School Finance Model

blog post

California’s Population Slowdown

By Eric McGhee, Hans Johnson

Population growth in California has slowed markedly since the early 2010s, and the state is now a net loser in overall migration for the first time since the Great Recession.


Paying for Water in California

About the Program
California's latest drought highlights the need to improve how we manage and pay for our precious water resources. At this half-day event, participants will discuss where California's water finance system is failing, how we might fill the gaps, and whether significant reforms are needed to enable our water resources to support a healthy economy, society, and environment. This event follows the release of a new PPIC report, Paying for Water in California.

This project is supported with funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and the California Water Foundation, an initiative of the Resources Legacy Fund.

Questions? Contact Kelly Holt at or (415) 291-4498.

blog post

2020 Primary: Funding Higher Education Facilities

By Patrick Murphy, Radhika Mehlotra, Kevin Cook

A bond measure that will appear on the March 2020 statewide ballot would provide $15 billion to upgrade education buildings and facilities, including $6 billion for higher education.

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