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Video: Californians and Their Government

By Vicki Hsieh

With the midterm election approaching, researchers Rachel Lawler and Dean Bonner discuss new PPIC Statewide Survey findings on key state ballot measures, competitive US House districts, and issues that could shape election outcomes.


The Effects of School-to-Career Programs on Postsecondary Enrollment and Employment

By David Neumark

School-to-career (STC) programs, which integrate academic education and vocational skills training, seek to improve the transitions of young people from school to work. The School-to-Work Opportunities Act (STWOA), passed by Congress in 1994, provided more than $1.5 billion over a five-year period to support increased school-to-work activities in the nation’s public high schools. However, after its initial five years, STWOA was not reauthorized. In this report, the author uses a national dataset to measure the success of various programs (including Tech Prep and Career Academies, which differ from the STWOA activities). He finds that certain STC activities do promote postsecondary enrollment and employment and that a case can be made for funding the types of programs supported by STWOA. However, he also notes that there is a pressing need for a serious evaluation of the effectiveness of the specific activities remaining in California and of any that might arise in the future.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Californians say that COVID-19, homelessness, and jobs, the economy, and inflation are the top issues for the governor and legislature to work on this year.

Occasional Paper, Report

Perspectives on State and Local Finance: Surveys of City Officials in California and the U.S.

By Mark Baldassare, Christopher Hoene

This report presents an analysis of responses to recent surveys on state and local finance issues, taken by city officials in California and the rest of the U.S. It was presented at the National League of Cities Annual Congress of Cities and Exposition, Session on the Price of Government in Charlotte, North Carolina on December 10, 2005.

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