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blog post

Challenging Times for California

By Mark Baldassare

The COVID-19 crisis is touching every aspect of life today, and PPIC is providing wide-ranging analyses of its implications across key policy areas, from education to health care, from criminal justice to water policy.


California Critical Care during COVID-19

As the number of Californians testing positive for the coronavirus rises, there is growing concern about available critical care resources and how they are distributed across the state.


Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

PPIC’s latest survey tracks views on federal and state elected officials. It looks at concerns about the coronavirus outbreak, as well as perceptions of economic conditions and the state budget. The survey also examines attitudes around health care policy and candidate preferences in the November election.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: California School Districts and the Emergency Connectivity Fund

By Joseph Hayes, Niu Gao, Chansonette Buck

How well did federal pandemic funding improve digital access for historically underserved K–12 students and their families? Districts focused on building connectivity—rather than purchasing devices—but more work is needed to narrow the digital divide.

blog post

Are COVID Policies Affecting Approval Ratings?

By Rachel Lawler

Californians say COVID-19 is the top issue facing the state, as state and national leaders grapple with how to manage the current phase of the pandemic.

blog post

The Recall Election and California’s Political Future

By Mark Baldassare

With the vote count for the 2021 gubernatorial recall now certified, what do the results—and the high voter engagement—say about the state of the state as well as California’s electoral landscape?

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