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Fact Sheet

Water Use in California

By Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak, Caitlin Peterson

To understand California’s water, start here. Water use in California varies dramatically between wet and dry years: learn who’s using California’s water, where, and how much.


Solar Energy and Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley

By Andrew Ayres, Annabelle Rosser, Ellen Hanak, Alvar Escriva-Bou ...

Hundreds of thousands of acres of irrigated farmland may come out of production in the San Joaquin Valley in coming decades. At the same time, the state needs to ramp up renewable energy generation to meet climate goals. Could solar development on fallowed land help the valley’s residents? Our new report examines the challenges and opportunities.

blog post

Video: Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley

By Sarah Bardeen

Groundwater recharge is one of the most promising ways to address groundwater overdraft in the San Joaquin Valley. So are we socking away enough water during the wet periods? In an event last week, we shared our latest research on the subject. Read the highlights and watch the video!

blog post

Video: Solar Development in the San Joaquin Valley

By Sarah Bardeen

Last week, we gathered a panel of experts to debate the potential benefits and challenges of solar development in the San Joaquin Valley. Watch the event video to learn more about our new research—and to see a lively discussion about how solar might deliver lasting benefits to the region and the state.


Seizing the Drought: Water Priorities for Our Changing Climate

The PPIC Water Policy Center will convene a diverse group of experts to discuss how to tackle the highly disruptive effects of climate change on our water system. It’s clear that we must step up our game to cope with the increasingly severe, warm droughts that are coming our way. This year’s conference will identify immediate actions we can take to boost the state’s resilience.


Improving the Federal Response to Western Drought

About the Program
California and much of the American West have experienced moderate to extreme levels of drought in recent years. The resulting water scarcity has affected urban and agricultural users throughout the region and has stressed ecosystems and the fish and wildlife that depend on them. While drought management can involve all levels of government, the federal government in particular has a unique set of policy tools that can help communities prepare for and minimize the impact of droughts.

At this Resources for the Future (RFF) First Wednesday Seminar, experts will discuss the role of the federal government in western water and drought management, with a focus on how it can strengthen its partnership with states to better manage drought today and in a warmer, possibly drier, future. The event features a presentation by Ellen Hanak, director of the PPIC Water Policy Center, who will discuss the center's new report, Improving the Federal Response to Western Drought: Five Areas for Reform.

This research was supported with funding from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

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