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Video: Are Younger Generations Committing Less Crime?

By Vicki Hsieh

PPIC’s policy director for criminal justice Magnus Lofstrom presents findings from a new report examining whether younger generations of Californians are less criminally active than earlier generations and discusses the broader implications of these trends.

blog post

Crime Trends in Context

By Magnus Lofstrom

At a town hall held by Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, PPIC’s Magnus Lofstrom discussed what research has found about the consequences of key criminal justice reforms and the pattern of long-term crime trends in California and Contra Costa County.

blog post

New Laws Expand Criminal Justice Reforms

By Brandon Martin, Justin Goss

The governor recently signed a number of bills that extend the state’s efforts to reform its adult and juvenile criminal justice system.

blog post

Californians Prioritize Controlling Gun Ownership

By Rachel Lawler

Two in three Californians believe that controlling gun ownership should be prioritized over the right to own guns, and the share prioritizing gun control has grown over the last decade.

blog post

Recent State Crime Trends Mostly Mirror the Nation

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

Newly released FBI data show that trends in California’s crime rate last year—including a large and troubling jump in homicides—mostly mirrored national trends, but with some key differences.

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