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Our Experts Weigh In on the Drought

By Ellen Hanak, Jeffrey Mount, Alvar Escriva-Bou, Sarah Bardeen

The water news in California has been grim: We’re in year three of a miserable drought—and “miserable” is the operative word. Our experts discuss how the drought is evolving, how the state is responding, and what might be coming next.

blog post

Exploring the Yurok Tribe’s Management of the Klamath River

By Sarah Bardeen

The Yurok Tribe is one of the few California tribes whose members still reside on a portion of their ancestral lands, including a 44-mile stretch bordering the Klamath River. The Yurok are deeply involved with efforts to protect the river’s watershed, so we asked one of the Tribe’s lawyers to tell us more about what they’re doing—and what challenges they face.

blog post

California’s Fish Emergency

By Lori Pottinger

An expert interview with fisheries expert Peter Moyle about what can be done to bring native species back from the brink.

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Defining Community Is Slippery on the Eel River

By Cameron Nielsen, Sarah Bardeen

On paper, California’s Eel River is a prime candidate for restoration. So why is it so hard to get done? The answer lies partly in the dam’s history—but in large part, the challenge lies in the complexities of who exactly constitutes the river’s community. Finding a solution has implications not just for the state but for the nation.

blog post

Video: Eel River—Reconnecting Salmon and People

By Sarah Bardeen, Cameron Nielsen

The Eel River once hosted one of California’s great salmon runs, but a combination of factors decimated those populations. Now, planned dam removals might help restore salmon—but how will these changes affect river communities? Filmmaker Cameron Nielsen spoke to people on all sides of the issue in this visually arresting short documentary

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Testimony: Planning for Future Droughts

By Ellen Hanak

In a week that began with Governor Brown extending the statewide water conservation mandate into next year, a panel of experts testified at an state assembly water committee about improving drought management.

blog post

Federal Drought Management: It’s Complicated

By Caitrin Chappelle, Jelena Jezdimirovic

More than two dozen federal departments and agencies engage in water management in the West, complicating management of western droughts.

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