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Fact Sheet

California’s Independent Voters

By Mark Baldassare, Lunna Lopes, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman

Independents are now California’s second-largest voting bloc. Most lean toward a major party—but most also say neither party does an adequate job.


California’s Political Geography 2020

By Eric McGhee

California still leans Democratic overall, but independents are leaning Republican in many areas of the state. A closer look suggests that registering all eligible residents to vote could moderate more partisan places. Views on specific issues also follow their own geographic patterns.

Fact Sheet

California Voter and Party Profiles

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

About 47% of registered voters are Democrats, 24% are Republicans, and 23% are independents. Most independent likely voters lean toward a major party.

blog post

Discontent with Major Political Parties Continues to Simmer

By Lauren Mora

More than one-third of Californians have unfavorable views of both the Democratic and Republican parties—a larger share than four years ago—and an overwhelming majority believe the country needs a third major party.

blog post

A Third of Californians View Both Political Parties Negatively

By Lauren Mora

With a highly consequential election year just around the corner, a growing share of Californians—now one in three--have an unfavorable view of both major political parties. Seven in ten Californians believe that a third major party is needed, an increase from four years ago.

Fact Sheet

California’s Likely Voters

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Likely voters lean Democratic and are ideologically mixed. They also tend to be whiter, older, more educated, and more affluent than adults overall.

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