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Fact Sheet

California’s State Budget: The Governor’s Proposal

By Radhika Mehlotra, Patrick Murphy

Governor Newsom’s first budget proposal would build up budget reserves and pay down debt—while increasing funding for housing, education, and health and human services.

blog post

Budget Surplus Divides Californians

By Dean Bonner

While most Californians hold an optimistic view of the state budget, they are divided on how to spend a historically large surplus.

blog post

What COVID-19 Budget Cuts Mean for Public Safety Spending

By Brandon Martin, Magnus Lofstrom

The sharp decline in state revenues means county sheriff and probation departments will have less funding to provide supervision and programming for certain individuals who are in jail or on probation.

blog post

A Water Budget for the Environment

By Jeffrey Mount

California’s freshwater ecosystems are in decline and becoming increasingly vulnerable to drought. Allocating water budgets for the environment would help.

blog post

Most Californians Favor Newsom’s Budget Proposal

By Rachel Lawler

The governor’s proposed state budget has the support of a solid majority of Californians as does the COVID-19 Emergency Response Package included in his spending plan.

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