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blog post

Views of Democracy from the Golden State

By Dean Bonner

While a record-high share of Californians have confidence in the state electoral process, fewer than half are satisfied with the way US democracy is working—and Californians are divided about whether Americans of different political views can work out their differences.

blog post

Reengaging Citizens in the Initiative Process

By Mark Baldassare

California’s initiative process generally receives favorable reviews from voters, but overwhelming majorities across partisan groups say that at least some changes are needed.

At Issue, Report

Improving California’s Democracy

By Mark Baldassare

California voters are pessimistic and polarized, but they agree in two areas: they have confidence in local government and faith in the initiative process. Recognizing the disconnect between the desire to bring government closer to the people and the fact that millions of Californians do not vote, this report recommends ways to engage and inform a wider electorate.

This report was supported with funding from the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation.

blog post

Californians Want Referendum Reforms

By Mark Baldassare

While most Californians—including majorities across party lines--like the state’s referendum process, most believe it needs improvement and favor proposed reforms.

blog post

Video: A Conversation with Leon Panetta

By Stephanie Barton

Former secretary of defense and White House chief of staff Leon Panetta will join PPIC president and CEO Tani Cantil-Sakauye for a wide-ranging discussion about leading through the critical challenges facing the state and nation.

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