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Fact Sheet

Self-Employment in California

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan, Sarah Bohn

Self-employment is an important contributor to California’s economy; the self-employed make up 11% of workers statewide and the jobs they create account for 23% of total employment. Rates of self-employment vary across regions and demographic groups.


Employment Patterns for CalFresh Adults

By Tess Thorman, Caroline Danielson

CalFresh provides food assistance to about 4.5 million low-income Californians. While many adults who access CalFresh are working, their jobs may be temporary or unstable. Understanding changes in employment before, during, and after adults enroll in CalFresh can help policymakers and administrators better align the program with workers’ needs.


Making the Most of Transit: Density, Employment Growth, and Ridership around New Stations

By Jed Kolko

This study assesses job growth around new transit stations across California. It finds that, on average, no such growth occurred and points to the need for active and coordinated planning, to maximize transit investments and increase ridership.

This research was supported with funding from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, as part of the California 2025 project on the state's future, and the David A. Coulter Family Foundation.

blog post

A Regional Look at California’s Latest Employment Trends

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan, Julien Lafortune

While employment is higher than it was before the pandemic, California’s economy could face headwinds in the coming months. We look at how seven major regions are faring and discuss the factors driving job growth in different parts of the state.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Employment Patterns for CalFresh Adults

By Tess Thorman, Caroline Danielson, Stephanie Barton

Most CalFresh participants work, but unemployment and job instability are common. CalFresh assistance may help some stay connected to the workforce; however, work patterns may affect the length and impact of benefits. Policymakers and administrators should ensure that processes for getting and keeping benefits accommodate workers.

blog post

Shifting Gender Employment Patterns and California’s Care Sector

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Vicki Hsieh

Women in California are now employed at higher rates than prior to the pandemic, while employment among men has yet to recover. What do these trends – and employment patterns in the care sector—say about the shifting balance of work and caregiving as the pandemic recedes?

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