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California’s Health Workforce Needs: Training Allied Workers

By Shannon McConville, Sarah Bohn, Laurel Beck

Over the next decade, California’s growing and aging population will require about 450,000 new health care workers. Given the importance of associate degrees and postsecondary certificates in growing health care occupations—and the need for a diversified health workforce—the state needs to ensure that its two-year institutions are preparing technical and support workers for rewarding careers.


California’s Care Workforce

By Shannon McConville, Daniel Payares-Montoya, Sarah Bohn

State master plans on the aging population and early learning and care have prioritized workforce expansion and career pathways for care workers who provide key services to young children, older residents, and people with disabilities. A new report outlines current realities and highlights challenges and opportunities in growing this critical workforce.

blog post

Now Hiring: Skilled Health Workers

By David Lesher

Changing medical technology, an aging population and new health care policies have raised important questions about the workforce that will be needed in the future. This was the topic of a PPIC report and panel discussion in Sacramento.


Health Care Access among California’s Farmworkers

By Paulette Cha

Farmworkers are a key link in the food supply chain and important contributors to California’s economy. As farmworkers age, their health care needs are changing—and cost and lack of insurance are often barriers to care. While recent state and federal policies have made insurance more accessible, not all policies improved coverage among farmworkers.


California’s Care Workforce

State master plans on the aging population and on early care and education have underscored the need to expand the care workforce and better support the workers who provide essential services to young children, older residents, and people with disabilities. PPIC researchers will outline a new report on the current realities of the care workforce and talk with state policymakers about the challenges of meeting future demand.


Health Workforce Needs in California

About the Program
Already a large part of California’s economy, the state’s health workforce will need to grow significantly over the next decade to keep up with a growing—and aging—population. PPIC researcher Shannon McConville will present new findings about California’s health workforce needs. A panel of experts will then discuss how the state can increase the number of health care workers and offer career opportunities to a diverse group of Californians.

There is no charge to attend, but space is limited. Lunch will be provided.


Planning for California’s Growing Senior Population

By Hans Johnson, Laurel Beck

California’s senior population is entering a period of rapid growth. By 2030, as the Baby Boom generation reaches retirement age, the over-65 population will grow by four million people. It will also become much more racially and ethnically diverse, with the fastest growth among Latinos and Asians. Many more seniors are likely to be single and/or childless—suggesting an increased number of people living alone. All of these changes will have a significant impact on senior support services.

We project that by 2030 slightly more than one million seniors will require some assistance with self-care, and that the demand for nursing home care will begin to increase after decades of decline. These changes will have direct budget implications for the Medi-Cal and In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) programs, both of which pay for care and services for low-income seniors. The state will need additional resources, including nursing care facilities and health care professionals, especially those who provide home- and community-based services. California’s community college system will be critical in training workers to meet the state’s health care workforce needs for the growing and changing senior population.

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