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K–12 Education

Evaluating resources and policies that improve student outcomes

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

More than four in ten parents say their children have fallen behind academically during the pandemic. While most Californians approve of the way Governor Newsom is handling public K–12 education, many believe its quality has declined over the past few years.


Factors and Future Projections for K–12 Declining Enrollment

By Julien Lafortune, Emmanuel Prunty

Over the past five years, enrollment has fallen in nearly three-quarters of California school districts, and the trend is expected to continue into the next decade. Faster declines could bring pressure to close schools, along with concerns about the students and neighborhoods bearing the costs of downsizing.

blog post

Video: Californians and Education

By Mary Severance

In PPIC’s latest statewide survey, most Californians say they want Governor Newsom to prioritize K-12 education, while public opinion is mixed on charter schools.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman, Rachel Lawler

Key findings from the current survey include most Californians say charter schools are an important option for parents in low-income areas—but many express concern that charters divert funding from traditional public schools. More than half of residents across regions say teacher salaries in their community are too low. Majorities support Governor Newsom’s spending plans to expand preschool and full-day kindergarten.

blog post

Video: Californians’ Views of K–12 Education

By Linda Strean

Most Californians say state funding for their local public schools is inadequate, and most favor ballot proposals likely to increase it, according to PPIC’s 12th annual survey on Californians and education.

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