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A Portrait of Race and Ethnicity in California

By Deborah Reed, Hans Johnson, Belinda Reyes, Jennifer Y. Cheng ...

California's racial and ethnic composition has changed dramatically over the last generation: so dramatically, in fact, that many businesses, public interest groups, media professionals, and policymakers lack current, reliable information about the state's population. In this sourcebook, Belinda Reyes and a team of researchers examine trends and outcomes in:

  • demography
  • education
  • health
  • labor
  • economic status
  • crime
  • political participation
  • ethnic geography
Each chapter presents key indicators for the state's four major racial and ethnic groups: whites, African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics. Where possible, the authors also present trends and outcomes for major Asian and Hispanic subgroups.


Fact Sheet

California’s Population

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Eric McGhee

Growth in the nation’s most populous state has slowed notably in the 21st century, with recent years bringing a drop in population due to higher deaths, lower births, and changes in migration. More than half of Californians under 24 are Latino while more than half of Californians 65 and older are white.


Racial Disparities in Law Enforcement Stops

By Magnus Lofstrom, Joseph Hayes, Brandon Martin, Deepak Premkumar

Recent debate over police reforms has centered on how law enforcement engages with people of color, prompted by continuing concerns over racial inequities in criminal justice. In our analysis of data for nearly 4 million stops, we examine how interactions—ranging from search to use of force—differ for Black and white people, while considering factors such as stop context and law enforcement agency.

California Counts, Report

Educational Resources and Outcomes in California, by Race and Ethnicity

By Deborah Reed

Examines family and school resources, student outcomes, and public policy initiatives affecting California’s students from early childhood through university. Describes several factors potentially contributing to racial and ethnic gaps in college completion.


Race and Diversity in the Golden State

By Hans Johnson, Eric McGhee, Carolyn Subramaniam, Vicki Hsieh

California is one of the most diverse states in the nation, but disparate outcomes persist across and within racial groups.

blog post

Will This Recession Deepen California’s Economic Divide?

By Sarah Bohn, Dean Bonner, Vicki Hsieh, Julien Lafortune

The current downturn is having a disproportionate impact on low-income Californians and communities of color. Deliberate policy action can help create an equitable recovery and broaden long-term economic opportunity.


Racial Disparities in Traffic Stops

By Magnus Lofstrom, Joseph Hayes, Brandon Martin, Deepak Premkumar

Traffic stops have emerged as a key driver of racial disparities in law enforcement and an area of potential reform. Our new report examines whether certain types of traffic stops could be enforced in alternative ways that reduce racial disparities and risks to officers and civilians without jeopardizing public safety.

California Counts, Report

Check One or More … Mixed Race and Ethnicity in California

By Sonya Tafoya

Examines the growing complexity of racial and ethnic identity in California from 1982 to 1997, paying particular attention to annual changes in the number of multiethnic births. The report serves as a timely precursor to the year 2000 census, which for the first time will allow respondents to select more than one race.

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