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Integrating California’s Education Data

By Jacob Jackson, Hans Johnson

PPIC’s California Education Data Collaborative is working to inform state efforts to establish a cradle-to-career data system.


How Hospital Discharge Data Can Inform State Homelessness Policy

By Shannon McConville, Hemal Kanzaria, Renee Hsia, Maria Raven

Discharge data from emergency departments provide information on where people experiencing homelessness go for hospital care and on the conditions for which they are treated. If linked with data from homeless assistance programs and safety net services, this information can help policymakers make targeted investments and evaluate outcomes.

blog post

Testimony: Retail Theft in California

By Magnus Lofstrom

At a hearing of the Little Hoover Commission, PPIC policy director and senior fellow Magnus Lofstrom discussed trends in shoplifting and commercial burglary, including geographic variation across the state.


Building California’s Cradle-to-Career Data System

By Jacob Jackson

A yearlong collaboration among educational institutions, state agencies, advocates, and researchers has led to a plan for a statewide system that connects K–12, higher education, workforce, and social services data. This report outlines how this shared knowledge base can benefit California—and key considerations for ensuring the system’s long-term success.

blog post

An Update on Homelessness in California

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Cesar Alesi Perez

California's homeless population may have increased as much as 7.5% between 2022 and 2023. We look at what the latest data say about people experiencing homelessness in our state, including the wide variation across regions.

blog post

Racial Disparities in California Law Enforcement Stops

By Magnus Lofstrom, Alexandria Gumbs, Brandon Martin

According to the latest data for California’s largest law enforcement agencies, the reasons for officer stops vary by agency type and across racial groups.

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California’s Cradle-to-Career Data System Hits Major Milestone

By Iwunze Ugo

The California Cradle-to-Career (C2C) Data System is an ambitious effort to strengthen the education pipeline by linking educational, social services, and workforce data from a range of state agencies. The C2C system recently received its first annual submission—more than a billion data points—from partnering agencies.

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