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Video: Modernizing California’s Education Data System

By Mary Severance

With new state leadership about to take over in Sacramento, the time may be right for an integrated data system that can help policymakers, educators, and students monitor educational progress and outcomes.

blog post

Where Are Californians Going When They Leave the Golden State?

By Eric McGhee, Hans Johnson

California continues to lose residents to other parts of the US, with the main beneficiaries being neighboring states. However, with the pandemic receding and more workers returning to the office, outmigration patterns have started to slow or even reverse.

blog post

Retail Theft and Robbery Rates Have Risen across California

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

California has seen an overall increase in retail theft and robbery rates in recent years. Our analysis finds especially notable increases in the Bay Area and the Central Valley, with certain commercial crimes also increasing substantially in parts of southern California.

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