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blog post

Our Experts Weigh In on the Drought

By Ellen Hanak, Jeffrey Mount, Alvar Escriva-Bou, Sarah Bardeen

The water news in California has been grim: We’re in year three of a miserable drought—and “miserable” is the operative word. Our experts discuss how the drought is evolving, how the state is responding, and what might be coming next.

blog post

From Drought to Deluge

By Jeffrey Mount

The recent storms made a dent in the California drought but have not washed away major water policy challenges.

blog post

Drought: 10 Ways the Federal Government Can Help

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount

Here is a short list of things the federal government can do to help California get through this drought and better prepare for future droughts.

blog post

What Are Baseflow Droughts—and Why Should We Care?

By Sarah Bardeen

For the six months when California receives no rain, how do its rivers keep flowing? The answer is groundwater. But increasingly frequent and intense droughts are having unexpected effects on this vital resource. We speak with two experts to learn more.

Fact Sheet

Climate Change and California’s Water

By Jeffrey Mount, Daniel Swain, Paul Ullrich

Managing water is at the forefront of climate change adaptation in California. Changes are needed to prepare the water system for a more volatile climate.

blog post

Video: Seizing the Drought

By Sarah Bardeen

Californians know that climate change is here—and we’re feeling its effects nowhere more than in our water system. Last week, during our fall conference, we convened three days of expert panels. Scientists, policymakers, growers, water managers, and restoration advocates laid out a compelling vision of how to prepare our water system for the changes that are already underway.

blog post

Colorado Drought Deal Close, But Not Done

By Lori Pottinger

Arizona and California missed the federal government’s deadline to submit plans for managing water shortages in the Colorado River Basin. We spoke with John Fleck of the University of New Mexico about the situation.

blog post

Drought, Water Supply Are Top Environmental Concerns in California

By Rachel Lawler, Annabelle Rosser, Gokce Sencan

As the state copes with yet another severe fire season, a new PPIC survey finds that Californians are very concerned about drought and water supply—and they’re increasingly linking these issues to climate change.

blog post

Video: Is California Ready for Drought?

By Lori Pottinger

Drought brings greater risks to some sectors and communities. At this virtual event, experts discussed the latest drought, and how to reduce its impacts to vulnerable sectors.

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