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blog post

Retail Theft and Robbery Rates Have Risen across California

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

California has seen an overall increase in retail theft and robbery rates in recent years. Our analysis finds especially notable increases in the Bay Area and the Central Valley, with certain commercial crimes also increasing substantially in parts of southern California.

blog post

Hidden Risk of Domestic Violence during COVID-19

By Joseph Hayes, Heather Harris

Although police reports of domestic violence do not seem to have increased during shelter-in-place, data from hotlines and service providers suggest a troubling upward trend.


California’s K–12 Test Scores: What Can the Available Data Tell Us?

By Paul Warren

California’s K–12 system relies on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) English and mathematics tests to measure student academic progress and assess school and district performance. This report uses publicly available data to explore trends in student performance during the first three years this test has been in place.

blog post

Better Data for Better California Health Policy

By Shannon McConville, Paulette Cha

As state leaders work to create a health care payments database for California, PPIC is providing research on how policymakers and others could use the database to inform key policy decisions.

Occasional Paper, Report

Funding Formulas for California Schools: Simulations and Supporting Data

By Jon Sonstelie, Ray Reinhard, Heather Rose, Ria Sengupta Bhatt

California’s school finance system is long overdue for fundamental reform. The authors of this paper simulate an alternative school finance system recently proposed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley (Bersin, Kirst, and Liu). They conclude that the proposed system provides a good starting point for the kind of reform effort the state needs to undertake. This paper briefly reviews student needs and district costs throughout California and then discusses the results and implications of the simulation models.

Further Analysis

Data Reconciliation

Request the School Finance Model

blog post

Testimony: A Data-Driven Approach to Corrections

By Mia Bird

California has effectively created 58 county policy laboratories and with them, the opportunity to use variation in county approaches to identify best practices that can be shared throughout the state and nationwide.

Fact Sheet

Poverty in California

By Sarah Bohn, Caroline Danielson, Sara Kimberlin, Patricia Malagon

With the end of many pandemic relief programs, poverty rates—especially for children—have gone up in the last two years.


Modernizing California’s Education Data System

By Jacob Jackson, Kevin Cook

Unlike most other states, California lacks a data system that can follow students from K–12 schools to college and into the workforce. Linking data across sectors would help policymakers and educational leaders promote student success and institutional effectiveness.

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