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Drought Watch: Groundwater, Our Hidden Asset

By Ellen Hanak, Jeffrey Mount

This is part of a continuing series on the impact of the drought.

Water scarcity during this drought is perceived by many, including prominent elected officials, as a failure of government to build sufficient storage. But groundwater—when managed well—is the state’s best hedge against drought.

blog post

Proposed Reservoirs Are No Panacea for Drought

By Ellen Hanak, Jeffrey Mount

New surface storage would add only modestly to the state’s water supply. Building drought resilience requires a much broader set of actions.

blog post

Commentary: Drought Requires New Strategies for Managing Cropland

By Andrew Ayres, Caitlin Peterson

With careful planning, research and development, and incentive programs, the San Joaquin Valley can avoid the worst consequences of land fallowing — and perhaps even create environmental and economic benefits.

blog post

Droughts Aren’t Just About Water Anymore

By Lori Pottinger

An increasingly “thirsty atmosphere” in California and the West is influencing drought. We talked to climate scientist Mike Dettinger about this phenomenon.

blog post

Drought Watch: What If 2015 Is Dry?

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount

Another warm winter is likely. So what, if anything, should California do differently next year?

blog post

Water Law Aided Ecosystems in Drought

By Brian Gray, Leon Szeptycki

A look at how laws designed to protect California’s aquatic environment functioned during this drought.

blog post

Video: Farming Solutions to Weather Drought

By Lori Pottinger

What are California farmers doing to improve water management in dry times? Watch an expert panel in the event video from "Weathering Drought: Farming Solutions for a Thriving California.”

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