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Racial Disparities in Law Enforcement Stops

By Magnus Lofstrom, Joseph Hayes, Brandon Martin, Deepak Premkumar

Recent debate over police reforms has centered on how law enforcement engages with people of color, prompted by continuing concerns over racial inequities in criminal justice. In our analysis of data for nearly 4 million stops, we examine how interactions—ranging from search to use of force—differ for Black and white people, while considering factors such as stop context and law enforcement agency.

blog post

How Often Are Firearms Confiscated During Traffic Stops?

By Deepak Premkumar, Andrew Skelton, Magnus Lofstrom

As more localities consider reforms intended to reduce police stops for minor traffic violations, it is important to evaluate how instrumental these stops are in seizing illicit firearms. We look at the state’s eight largest police departments and find significant variation in how often searches during traffic stops result in firearms being confiscated.

Fact Sheet

College Access in California

By Iwunze Ugo

About three in five Californians enroll in college right after high school. But whether—and where—high school graduates attend college varies across regions and demographic groups.

blog post

State Leaders: More Data Needed on Rehabilitation Efforts

By David Lesher

The state has recently directed more than $1 billion toward new jail beds at the local level. But state policymakers are also focusing on alternatives to incarceration that will reduce recidivism, deter criminal behavior, and save money.


Police Use of Force and Misconduct in California

By Deepak Premkumar, Alexandria Gumbs, Shannon McConville, Renee Hsia

Nearly 200 Californians die each year in police encounters. Amid growing concern over civilian deaths and racial injustice, we examine what the existing data can—and cannot—tell us about police use of force and misconduct. We also offer recommendations for strengthening the state’s ongoing efforts to improve police transparency and accountability.

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