
We strongly recommend that only experienced analysts who are familiar with SPSS (or equivalent) data files attempt to download these data sets. Other users should consult the individual survey reports for survey results and related information. PPIC’s survey staff is available to answer questions, but we can provide only limited assistance in using and analyzing the data. These individual survey reports also include methodological detail for each survey.

The data archived here are stored by year of survey and report title. For each survey, there is a single compressed archive file (zip-file) that contains an SPSS dataset and a data dictionary file (in Microsoft Word). Software for decompressing archive files is available at and on many freeware/shareware sites on the web. All data files include a weight variable (sample is weighted by age, sex, and region) that should be used in analysis (variable name is WEIGHT).

All manuscripts, articles, books, and other papers and publications using Institute’s data should reference Mark Baldassare as Survey Director and the Public Policy Institute of California as the source of the data, and should acknowledge that PPIC bears no responsibility for the interpretations presented or conclusions reached based on analysis of the data.

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